Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ting Ting: Our New BFF

We have been fortunate to have a few great guides on our China journey, but the task in Xian may have been the most demanding. Xian (formerly Changan) is the cradle of Chinese civilization. Our amazingly learned, kind and funny guide Jessica (a.k.a. Ren Wen Tin or Ting Ting as her mother calls her) made our short trip to Xian feel like a journey all by itself.

She took us to the Wild Goose Pagoda, the Old City Wall (which the family is walking through in this photo), the Drum Tower, the Terra Cotta Warriors archaelogical site and the wonderful and comprehensive Xian museum. She taught us about every Chinese dynasty through 2500 years of history on the grand scale and current Chinese wedding traditions on the personal scale. She even gave us a very valuable Chinese expression that is roughly comparable to "so-so." It is "ma ma hu hu" (literally "horse, horse, tiger tiger.") Check here to see some of the amazing sites of Xian.

Most importantly, Jessica kept Taryn as cool as possible under her umbrella as Cookie was feeling a bit under the weather during a 96 degree day. Jessica is our new BFF (Best Friend Forever).

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